Introduction to Approval Testing

This first module goes through the main characteristics of Approval testing:

We work through some exercises and gain experience with the ‘Approvals’ tool. We will work in small groups and each group can agree which programming language to use. The exercises are generally available in Java, C#, Python and C++.

Session Outline

short break

short break

short break

short break

Part 1

Use this learning hour “Approval Testing plain text strings with Verify”. As well as answering warm up questions, introduce yourselves and form groups of 2-4 where you agree on a programming language. Mix up people from different companies.

Conclusions - How about?

Part 2

Work in small steps. First go through ‘how about’ questions. Link to them when explaining approval testing characteristics. Follow this learning hour: “Test Maintenance”

Part 3

Handling tricky output. Follow this learning hour: “Design for Approval Testing”

Part 4

More tricky output - filtering and sorting. Follow this learning hour: “Approvals Puzzles”

Part 5


Concept - Sketching

Concrete: demo of sketching a new test case

Add Tax calculations to the receipt. Sketch it first.

Conclusions: walkabout posters & code review

Get people to look through everything we’ve done today and discuss with someone what they’ve learnt. Write answers on the mind-map as sub-nodes.

Nodes on the mindmap:

Retrospective: gather observations

Ask people to note down what has happened today in these categories: