Birthday Greetings

Since you’re a very friendly person, you would like to send a birthday note to all your friends. However, you have a lot of friends and are feeling a bit lazy. Instead of writing all the notes by hand, you plan to get a computer to do it automatically for you.

Imagine you have a flat file with all your friends’ birthdays:

last_name, first_name, date_of_birth, email
Doe, John, 1982/10/08,
Ann, Mary, 1975/09/11,

You would like to send them an email on their birthday:

Subject: Happy birthday!

Happy birthday, dear <first_name>!

Try to implement it so you can easily change :

Additional Features

Friends born on February, 29th should have their Birthday greeting sent on February, 28th

Send a Birthday Reminder note to your friends about other people’s birthdays:

Subject: Birthday Reminder

Dear <first_name>,

Today is <full_name_1>, <full_name_2> and <full_name_3>'s birthdays.
Don't forget to send them each a message!


This kata is inspired by the work of Matteo Vaccari and based on the description on

Referenced in these Learning Hours: